Monday, January 18, 2010

Term 1, Week 3

This week, I continued planning for my animation. I created a time management chart on Microsoft excel, this will help me to plan my time efficently during lesson and homework time.

At home, I continued to plan my animation, I created mood boards and took primary photographs of different mannequins and pearls which have given me inspiration for my animation. I also prepared a detailed written proposal which outlines all aspects of the animation aswell as detailed drawings.

Proposal for 3D Animation- “Pearls”

After using 3D max, I soon begun to realise what I could achieve on 3D studio max. I did not want to over complicate my design, as I am a beginner using this software, therefore I choose a design that is both challenging and achievable. I wanted to reflect aspects of my character within the animation, after looking around my personal space for ideas; I then started to develop an idea, which is realistic in the time period set for this project. I started to collect potential background and photographs that will inspire my design.

I want the animation to look and feel “classic” with a simple theme and design. My animation will consist of a simple but elegant mannequin, which will be black, with distinctive red lips. The mannequin will be wearing lots of textured pearls on the wrists, ears and around the neck, after the camera has panned around the mannequin which will give a voyeuristic and romantic feel to the animation, the camera will then smash into the mannequin knocking it about to create a shaky feel. Six pearls will drop one by one onto the floor where the word “pearl’ will be revealed which is my chosen production company name, this is the last thing that will be seen in my animation and I believe is an appropriate way to reveal the name as it is in keeping with the classic design and feel of the animation. The mannequin will not move during the animation, the camera will be the only thing that moves, I want the animation to feel romantic and dark, this will also be reflected by the low lighting, which will be above the head, and on both the left and right hand bottom sides of the animation, the light intensity will only be 0.5 to help portray my desired look and feel for the animation.

I only want a few distinctive things to stand out in my animation for instance the lips, which will be bright red against the black mannequin and the floral background. I have chosen a floral black and gray background, as it is my bedroom wallpaper; this shares an aspect of my personality and makes the animation more personal.

I believed I have chosen a relatively realistic design for my first animation. I also want to challenge my creative capabilities by choosing a demanding and time consuming design.

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