Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Term 1, Week 1, Lesson 2

Today in lesson time, the class was taught through a simple co-ordinates system that is used on 3D Studio max, the work sheet that I had to complete was tough and reminded me of being back at school, but it was relatively simple once i got the hang of it.

Then, the class was taught through drawing perspective and top views of animation, I learnt that light intensity runs from 0-1, this means that 0.5 is about half way and 1 has the strongest light intensity.

I also begun to think about textures and achieving my animation, I did simple rough drawings to get a visual idea of how my animation will end up looking, I am excited but apprehensive about using 3D studio max.

After this, I then begun to start drawing storyboards for my 3D animation, this needs to be completed as homework by Monday 11th January.

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