Monday, January 4, 2010

Term 1, Week 1

This is the first lesson of 3D animation, after having a short insight into the unit and watching some relevant pixar animations, I then had to start brainstorming proposal ideas.

One of my main interests lies within fashion therefore I want to portray this in my animation, I want to use a simple piece of jewelery for instance pearls and create a animation around this really simple object. My production company will be entitled 'pearls'. On a silver background will be a very simple but elegant black silhouette, pearls will smother this silhouette, the camera will then smash into the static silhouette and the pearls will drop one by one on the the floor, the camera will then pan down to the floor, and then will roll around for a split second, the pearls when they eventually stop, will have to word pearl on them. Each pearl will have one letter, and will join together to make my production company title.

The lighting in my animation will be very simplistic, one light will shine on the left hand side of the silhouette to create dramatic yet effective lighting.

I think this is a simple idea that is both achievable and challenging.

This is an example of a silhouette, for my 3D animation I am going to create a much simpler version of this, my silhouette will also be black.

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